1·It was hard to find a suitable location for the desert scenes.
2·The company has found a suitable location for its new headquarters.
3·Examine the registry structure to find a suitable location for your key.
4·Indoor parts installation: to install the indoor parts to a suitable location.
5·The highway engineer must determine the most suitable location, layout, and capacity of the new routes and structures.
6·You do not have to actually build the WordNet package; it's enough to just unpack the downloaded source to a suitable location.
7·After receiving the signal of the height of objects, stepping motor for rotating lens will be drived to a suitable location.
8·In the near future CTTB will choose another suitable location for developing solar energy in an attempt to be self-sufficient.
9·Download the author-package zip file and place it in a suitable location (for example, c: \ on Windows or your home directory on Linux).
下载author - package - cn - vnn - xxxxxxxx . zip文件并放在适当的位置(例如,Windows中的c: \或者Linux中的home目录)。
10·A blimp can be stored in the back of a jeep, driven to a suitable location, launched in a couple of hours and winched down again even faster.